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The Geekscape Forums!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Geekscape Episode 24 will be out on WEDNESDAY!

Posted on 12:44 AM by JonathanLondon

Hey friends, family and people who want to kick my ass hard!!

Episode 24 of Geekscape: The Wrath of Pirate Pete will be out on Wednesday! I spent the whole weekend rectifying Geekscape and getting this baby back to rocking for you guys.

The iTunes and Democracy player downloads are WAY HEALTHY! If you guys can keep up the suggestions it'll really help as we design a new permanent non-Digg lookin' site for all you guys! And yeah... forums are first this time! WHOOOOHOOO!!!!

32 Response to "Geekscape Episode 24 will be out on WEDNESDAY!"

Sam Says....

Shmoo here.

I finally relented and installed the DivX player (terrible EULA btw). I just saw episode 19 - you were in Toronto?! WHAT THE FUCK?! Why didn't you tell all the Torontonians you'd be there? This is a travesty.

Anonymous Says....

I think a good feature to have in the forums will be the function to merge threads. I think we should have a really advanced type of forum this time around, since I think that is where the majority of people are frequenting.

Mark Says....



Anonymous Says....

actually, we could have a "pseudo-forum" here, if jon makes some posts like "COMICS" "MOVIES" "TV"...we could all be posting comments under those posts and it'll be like a forum until we get the new ones :)

just a thought

Diela Says....

Diela's alter ego.

Good to see this spot active again. Keep us informed! We'll follow you anywhere! (that was way too stalker-y wasn't it?)

stephen p. Says....

we could get vBulletin up and running lickety split. liscence is $160 and that lasts forever.

JonathanLondon Says....

A little bird told me that Invisionboard was better then vBulletin. True?

Anonymous Says....

Don't know where to post this, but on the new episode of Dharmalars they mentioned "Club Bang".

stephen p. Says....

one of these days i'm going to be on an episode defending Club Bang!

Invisonboard looks verrrrry interesting. I'm going to have to do some research today since well that is my job.

Superdeformed Says....

A basic blog format for the front page with a link bar across the top, side, or wherever for the podcast listings, forum, and whatever else you want to link.

Then have a fairly user-interactive forum and torrents for the video downloads.

Anonymous Says....

" Oh yeah. That was my shoutout to Mr. Gilmore!"

and this, among other reasons, is why your podcast is my favorite lost podcast.

Anonymous Says....

Jonathan owes me some child support! i had to knock out the website so i can buy our baby some diapers

Unknown Says....

You should just use bittorrent to host your show. You have a ton of dedicated fans that would be willing to keep seeding your episodes and then you won't have to pay for a ridiculous amount of bandwidth.

JonathanLondon Says....

The bandwidth is TOTALLY donated from That's why they are the best web hosting company on the planet. I'm serious 100%. The problem was that the old site was hosted on Dreamhost and out of my control. Someone else was paying for it and without notifying me, their credit card was stolen and cancelled. With it went the Dreamhost account and the old site. It's okay. I really didn't like the old site at all and it didn't really end up being anywhere near what the Geekscapists deserved. Now we're back in power and will make a better future for ALL GEEKS EVERYWHERE!!!

P.S. You guys should see our iTunes numbers. Their sick!

dave Says....

dude, you could set up shop from the back of a taco truck smack dab in the heart of east los and i'd still be all up in it.

Unknown Says....

it's sad that we'll lose our database. There were some really great threads on there. Most of the great ones were started by me, but who's counting?

JonathanLondon Says....

I have the user database. I don't know about the forums but when the new site is up the users will be there. And this time we'll do it right where there's only ONE profile for both.

J. Pechter Says....

well, we can just start all the old forum topics over again... for the fourth time. looking forward to arguing about the best this and the worst that all over again.

Anonymous Says....

Jon reinvents himself more than Christina Agulera circa 2001. I half expect the new site to show up in a corset wearing caked on make-up and a blond clown wig.

Sam Says....

"A little bird told me that Invisionboard was better then vBulletin. True?"

Whoever told you that is a goddamn liar. vBulletin is the best forums out there... usually. For your needs, as in creating a community where users can post articles, Invision may be easier to set up. But generally vBulletin is more professional and feature-rich.

Also, a suggestion for the forums - I don't think there needs to be a seperate forum for each and every category. Some things like TV/Movies can be put together I think.

The one profile thing sounds good.

Unknown Says....

why would you ever purchase something for a forum when there is a great free, beautiful, clean, alternative that runs off of php and mysql... called vanilla

its a great forum. and FREE.

Anonymous Says....

I didn't really care for the separate thread categories at first but then I came to appreciate them. I'd keep it the exact same way it was only lose the DVD, Romance, funny, and school forums.

dave Says....

agreed except for Dating, gotta keep that. priceless stuffs in there.

Anonymous Says....

I loved all the forums...some of them I didn't get into..I just can't wait to see what the new site is going to look like.....OMG.....I'M WET!!!!!