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Sunday, May 27, 2007

What in the HELL is going on with Geekscape!?!

Posted on 11:17 PM by JonathanLondon

What the hell is going on with Geekscape...? Hmm... well... it's a pretty long story... a lot of it is told in Episode 24 (to be released late on Tuesday). But basically, the site went bye bye. Permanently? We're still finding that out regarding the old site.

But we were fixing to build a new site anyways right!?!

I couldn't be more excited about Geekscape right now. We're still shooting episodes. The iTunes feeds just went live again and we're bringing in a new team to reimagine everything and make it a more kick ass site then we had!

Is it going to take time? Yes.

Do we have time? Definitely.

Will we always be on Blogspot? HELL NO.

Leave me some comments and tell me what you want in the new incarnation of Geekscape. In the meantime... check us out on iTunes or wherever else you enjoy getting your Geekscape episodes! Soon all the episodes will be available for download and that includes episode 24!

iTunes Video Page!!!

iTunes Audio Page!!!

Thanks so much for sticking with us. It's been a stressfull weekend but with the help of Scott, Martin, Gilmore, FunnelFish, Vijay, John from, Ralph from Dharmalars, Vijay and more we are getting it done and we'll be kicking ass Van Damme style in no time!


32 Response to "What in the HELL is going on with Geekscape!?!"

Ralph- Says....

You Thought Wrong.

i am pretty sure that Hard Target is one of the GREATEST ACTION FILMS OF ALL TIME!

Unknown Says....

I can't wait. I just hope that eventually we get a "pull list" feature, so you can see what comics other users subscribe to. Why? I don't know, but it seems cool to me!

Unknown Says....

What I'd like to see on the site, robo-titties are always a good thing :) Articles and forums are what I really like. As for the stress and troubles we're here and we can be patient .... sometimes :)


Unknown Says....

yay!! was worried there for a sec, I know the new incarnation is going to be a success!!!!!

Jonathan Says....

hopefully the new geekscape doesn't have the digg clone for news. maybe some kind of editors picks of top stories would be better like slashdot. just a thought

Unknown Says....

after i saw Cyborg i knew there was no greater man then Van Damm well except maybe ShoNuff

scherem Says....

I've been doing some research into feeds for the show. Currently the feed is iTunes friendly, but what other feedcatchers are out there that we should be optimizing for? Where do you want to see geekscape appear?

Sam Says....

Hey, Shmoo here.
I believe in you Jon, good luck with the new site.

Speaking sincerely, I was dissapointed with the old site (particularly because it didn't work in my browser) but also due to the aforementioned digg qualities and lack of privacy settings. Even though this is a setback, there is an opportunity for great improvements. I have a feeling the new site will rock.

Anonymous Says....

Jonathan, just out of curiosity...

Are those forums gone forever?

Because there were alot of memories left in those pages...

But lookin' forward to the changes London. I have faith.

JonathanLondon Says....

We're getting a status report Tuesday on the old site. And as for memories... we'll always have those regardless of whether or not those forums are gone forever. I want to be able to work on the forums more then the last ones. Ban some Spambots. Change shit around. It's time for some ADMIN POWERS!!!


And no more Digg/Facebook look alikes.

Anonymous Says....

we love jlo so much and his vision we will follow him to blogspot.

you can't keep a good scape down. it'll be back guys...better than ever!

Unknown Says....

For Martin - RSS Feeds, Personally I use Juice, but if you have a general RSS feed a lot of the third party catchers can use that.
As for memories I like memories they allow me to recreate them in my mind and make me cooler.


Anonymous Says....

The only thing I would like to see on the new site is a nested forum like on IMDB. It's really the only thing keeping me from getting involved in the community.

Anonymous Says....

I miss the rev3 days.
I'm sadly losing interest in geekscape quite fast.

JonathanLondon Says....

"Anonymous said... I miss the rev3 days. I'm sadly losing interest in geekscape quite fast."

We know it's you, Klitzy. No need to hide. No one else would right something so ridiculous.

Anonymous Says....

"The only thing I would like to see on the new site is a nested forum like on IMDB. It's really the only thing keeping me from getting involved in the community."

I actually find their forums sooo annoying for that very reason.

Anonymous Says....

Most good forums allow the user to set their own preference: threaded or flat format.

I prefer flat.

I know vBulletin and phpBB both allow this to be set by the user...

Anonymous Says....

I miss the (pre-launch) Rev3 days too.

I found myself browsing through the old threads today reminiscing about the good ole days.

Geekscape recaptured the magic found on those threads and I can't wait to have it back again.

Anonymous Says....

I was about to bitch at Gilmore about this. But now I won't. Can't wait for new stuff!

Tyler Sinclair Says....

I can't wait for the new site. The internet seems so empty without a geekscape to call home.

iggystar Says....

As I've said before, you can't lose me..we're joined by blood forever! Mwah, ha, haaaaa! You don't remember the blood oath we made? Ok, nevermind, I'm still with you.

I feel like a military brat that's transferred schools 14 times. :)