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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Geekscape 24 is out!!

Posted on 7:32 AM by JonathanLondon

Discuss! Or Pirate Pete is coming to your house and doing a little R & P!

112 Response to "Geekscape 24 is out!!"

JonathanLondon Says....

It's there. Try closing the tab, holding option, and opening the tab again. iTunes will look for it and plug it in.

Anonymous Says....

"imagineer99 and his hot sister"

best quote ever.

Unknown Says....

The episode's there...

I liked the cohost this week. He knew his stuff. And, he managed not to scream even though Gilmore was sitting nearby. That takes skill.

Tyler Sinclair Says....

I just watched it and I loved the skit. All the episodes are up for me in itunes. I didn't have to do anything to get 24 it just downloaded automatically.

Anonymous Says....

let's say, hypothetically, i don't have iTunes, what are my options???

Anonymous Says....

Anonymous you can go the the feed burner links on the main page, and down load it direct from there. Or if you use a podcatcher you can use the feed burner link in the podcather to get the eps.

Loved the puppets, except at the end, that hand coming in just scared me.

JonathanLondon Says....

Stage6 will be very soon. That crunch down takes a few hours longer. But we're rolling episode wise! Now it's time for a home! Keep suggestions coming!

Unknown Says....

Jonathan, I only say this out of love for ya buddy... maybe you should stop rimming hank and cheese before talking to people playing Starcraft.
Seriously, we don't rip on platform jumpers... lets be nice about the RTS games.

Aside from that great ep... also I was a little sad that Kyle Cease wasn't back to review this ep of pirates as well.
You're the best.

JonathanLondon Says....

Haha! The Starcraft thing is a total joke. You play a lot? Bathe a lot? But yeah, the joke's old now. What'd you think of your shoutout? Pirate Pete called you out!

Anonymous Says....

I'll wait for Stage6....only way I can see it at work.

Anonymous Says....

Haha I'm brilliant.

Jon I'm not sure if your interested in a temp forum but there are free forum services out there, if you google "free forums" there's a few. Or maybe the new site will be up soon, just a thought.

Anonymous Says....

i asked this in the forum before the mishap....where is graham really?

did i miss a thread talking about what happened?

Anonymous Says....

stahscream said...
i asked this in the forum before the mishap....where is graham really?

Ask Gilmore ...... actually I'm curious too

Ralph- Says....

I'll bet you anything that the sims will be about a family who live in a video game who somehow get transfered into the real world and have trouble adapting.

I picture it being like that Duracel Family Commercials.

If i were to make a live action movie of any Game, it would be the board game Fireball Island!

Anonymous Says....

If they do a Sims movie they HAVE to have everyone speak that crazy language and have diamonds floating over their heads.

Unknown Says....

Damn! I missed the shout out the first time around. Just went back and listened to the opening again, thanks dude! Imagineer99's hot sister? woah... I think I missed her.

Anonymous Says....

hold on..let me go listen for my shout out too...ok, i'm back...i guess i missed it. let me rewind it again...brb...

i guess i was left on the cutting room floor...along with Gilmore's "seed".


I have had like 5 Mtn Dew. I am hyper,sterile and have no forum to go crazy on.

*bounces into the background like Daffy Duck "WooHoo WooHoo"

Anonymous Says....

anyone wanna play WoW with me?

i've gotten back into it after almost 2yrs (altho not like i played too much before)

hoping my geekscape friends would help me get back into the game.. maybe make a GeekScape Guild? and we can pray to Hank & Cheese

Dunnjamin Says....

I'm curious about Graham too... I haven't seen him since I moved down here...

Anonymous Says....

Fuck Graham. What has that guy done for us, REALLY?

Anonymous Says....

Anonymous said...
Fuck Graham. What has that guy done for us, REALLY?

He licked my balls once.

Anonymous Says....

I don't doubt he did. That guy thinks he's hot shit. I don't know why, but he really does get on my nerves.

Anonymous Says....

I think anonymous is Graham or...I also think Ronin is Grahamm and not Hawkeye though.

stephen p. Says....

next time i'm on a show i'll be more articulate and you won't have to go over the stuff i talked about in a later episode again. ahem (star wars tv, countdown) ha!

Anonymous Says....

If I was Graham I would have put a gun in my mouth a long time ago.

JonathanLondon Says....

I actually hope Anonymous IS Graham. 'Cuz if he's not he's a fucking douchebag.

I haven't seen Graham in a few weeks and wonder what he's up to...

Mark Says....

great episode, hilarious. i was waiting for gilmore to go down on the puppet.

and this is wookiewombat

Anonymous Says....

JonathanLondon wrote...
I haven't seen Graham in a few weeks and wonder what he's up to...

is everything ok with you 2? was there a falling out or something?

JonathanLondon Says....

No falling out at all! Graham's doing great... I think... stay tuned...

As for Anonymous posts: I'm all for them until you start taking swipes at people. If you're going to talk shit, don't do it hiding behind a keyboard. This is an open community and people should stand by what they say regardless of what it is. That being said: F--- you, Big Yanks!

Unknown Says....

I think graham is hanging out with the Goodnight Burbank guys =x

Anonymous Says....

Hey Jon-
Quit sucking Graham's balls dry and get a real site up and running...

Anonymous Says....

JonathanLondon said...
This is an open community and people should stand by what they say regardless of what it is.


Anonymous Says....

Good ep. I loved the puppets, they should be a staple of the show from now on. The only thing better than a Sims movie, would be a Solitaire movie. They could spice it up and go Spider Solitaire if they wished.

Ralph- Says....

But they would probably give Spider Solitaire organic web shooters! fucking a-holes.

Anonymous Says....

i heard Jonathan is really a government robot who was struck by lightning and followed a butterfly out of the compound.

Anonymous Says....

Great episode, and good on uploading the rest! Been researching some forum software, found this Forum Software Comparo site n it's wizard. Someone recommended vanilla previously, but certain options are missing from that(no polls, smileys, file attatchments). Not sure who you got uploading the software but i'd point them towards compared to others it's got a lot more accessories then others. Plus, look at the Chat alpha version on the mainpage it'd be a twitter like option for geekscape, above all it's free opensource!! nextbbs also has gallery board for us image posters thundercatt and theahd(spllng?) anyways hope this helps, again good work! im missin graham 2


Anonymous Says....

London, this might be the best episode of Geekscape yet.

IMO, what's been consistently missing from Geekscape so far is a co-host w/ the same film knowledge as you, AND a differing opinion. That's what made Geekdrome great.

Your co-host in 24 knew his shit, atleast as far as movies go which is the primary reason why I listen to the podcast. I would be happy w/ him returning as often as possible.

The other good thing about the episode was that Funnelfish and Gilmore was kept on the sidelines for the most part. Don't EVER give them a mic! They're best to be used just as an object for your ridicule from time to time. Although I don't mind Gilmore chiming in on comics, b/c he knows his shit, but his movie opinions are annoying and he tends to interrupt the guests WAY too much.

Also, tell Laura to shut the hell up in the background... too much jibba-jabber being picked up by the mics!

Good job, can't wait for the new site/forums.

Dunnjamin Says....

I don't know what BWR is talking about... FunnelFish is always on the sidelines. He's the self proclaimed cheerleader/mascot. Of course he doesn't have any good opinions or insights... he's just too damn pretty!

Unknown Says....


vanilla has all those... they are just plugins, don't come stock.

Superdeformed Says....

Well I might watch it today or it might not be til after the Con I am going to this weekend.

We're gonna be making a Slasher movie while we are there.

A Serial Killer wanders into a convention and starts killing cosplayers. I am thinking of calling it "The Stench that won't die."

Anonymous Says....

"I agree with BigWhiteRyan, Jon should start hitting Laura." FTW.

No, but seriously. I lol'ed.

Unknown Says....

BigWhiteRyan, the guy who was the co-host for episode 18 knows a lot about movies, including that insane Frighteners reference in episode 22, so you best be watching your mouth.

Also, nobody should hit Laura! it really is amazing how some geeks just dont know how to treat a woman.

Ralph- Says....

Also, Gilmore, stop molesting puppets. i know that Jonathan having his hands up their holes turns you on, but come on now, that is no way to treat such fine pieces of ass.

Anonymous Says....

hey hey hey no hitting laura, plus i've seen her in real life im sure she can fuck Jonathan up. While driving them from the airport and she was doing karate kicks to my elbow from the back seat! And NO Jon i don't have a crush on her so stop with the 3way fantasies!

Anonymous Says....

ppl have talked about gilmore's hand at the end of creepy...i disagree...his shadow walking away was CREEEEEPPPY.

everytime i pass a painting i pretend gilmore is in the wall looking through the painting's eyes.

*que the scooby doo theme.

Anonymous Says....

I cried because i was a cuddle bitch and i had put myself on the friend ladder! MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JonathanLondon Says....

God... I love you people. Expect a lot more Little Billy and Pirate Pete and Francois and more characters coming up. Those are so much fun to do.

As for Laura: haha. We're shooting in her house! If she has to make a phone call she has to make a phone call! If I get dumped we'll be shooting on the street! But it would make great drama... hmm....

Anonymous Says....

Who is the guy that plays that Gilmore character?

Oh shit..that is a real guy??

Anonymous Says....

I also think Funnel Fish should do something where he rips off his face and he really is a "V".

Anonymous Says....

JonathanLondon said...
As for Laura: haha. We're shooting in her house!

She lets Gilmore in her house, amazing.

Anonymous Says....

Reading these comments causes my inner thighs to burn.

Interpret as you wish.

malekk77 Says....

I still can't get the Ipod format to work. Keeps saying its corrupted or the wrong file type. But a great show anyway. The puppets where funny as hell.

malekk77 Says....

dave said...

i've said it before, we need a Zelda movie.

Closest thing would be Legend with Tom Cruse that came out in the early 80's

Anonymous Says....

"this is a sorry ass excuse for a forum."

this coming from a guy that owned the old temp..temp forums with me and wookiewombat every morning.

Anonymous Says....

wookie has been jobless and waking up really late and diva is MIA i guess?

Anonymous Says....

Hey Johnny! It's me, JCVD. Do me a small favor and put episode 24 up on Stage6. If you don't, I'll be force to walk off the set of Wake of Death pt. II and kick your ass with my infamous split kick. Yayahhhhh!!!!

stephen p. Says....

michael dudikoff...hey american ninja! i liked you better as the stoner guy in the hysterical tom hanks vehicle "bnachelor party"

Anonymous Says....

"Michael Dudikoff said...Seriously... does no one ever remember me?"

I can't heeeaaaarrr you.

Anonymous Says....

Hey...let me out of this coffin!!!

I hear a fight going on up there.

Anonymous Says....

Hey guys! I did action movies toooo.... (Promptly gets his ass nuclear punched by JCVD and bals ripped off by Zombie Bronson)

Anonymous Says....

1000 points for who guesses where the qoute from:
Mickey: Your website is broken.
Jonathan: How does it look?
Mickey: Ah, it's an improvement.

Anonymous Says....

Hi all,
really want to watch the ep but don't have itunes. Will it be on stage6 with the other episodes?

JonathanLondon Says....

I'm exporting the DivX file for Stage6 now. Sorry. My brother's in town. It'll be up tonight. Michael D... you're the man.

Unknown Says....

Anonymous go to the main page of the blog and go in to the Feedburner link. You can download it direct from Feedburner.

Anonymous Says....

hey there, anon here (different one than the ones above and throughout), just wanted to say that I loved that puppet sketch and can't wait for the site to be back up so I can continue my lurking habits!

Anonymous Says....

don't lurk...join us. give in to it. to walk with us you must die to your old world and be reborn into ours.

Dunnjamin Says....

Don't let Wraith scare you... it really is simple. We just rip out your heart and Gilmore humps the gaping wound. (Gaping wound. Gross.)

Anonymous Says....

belive it or not that left me with a boner thinking of gilmore humping a open wound!

Anonymous Says....

"Don't let Wraith scare you"

Well..since a wraith is a is my job to scare people.

Excuse me I have to pass someone on a stair case and then be gone when they turn around.

Anonymous Says....

Jon can you add a note under the feedburner links that the show can be direct downloaded from there, I've seen the "I don't have itunes" question a few times.

Many thanks

JonathanLondon Says....

Let me see what I can do. The Stage6 version of Episode 24 is publishing now and should be available in a short time. I don't know why it's taking so long but maybe our friend Ben Cote can tell us!

Next week is going to be full of suprises. I'm going to start treating this show like Galactica. Just keep topping ourselves and throw in some twists and turns.

Anonymous Says....

Oh, and have some filler episode like Galactica.

Maybe one with you and FunnelFish Boxing.

Anonymous Says....

BattleStar Galactica to end?!?


iggystar Says....

I think Pirate Pete would be down with cupping the puss. Can you send him over?

Anonymous Says....


didn't realize there're add-ons looked over em' and a lot of them seem to be conversions over from phpbb mods.
So, i'm thinking why not just stick w/ what a lot of people are using and supporting/modding, use phpbb?!


Sam Says....

Shmoo here.

Great episode, you had a very good co-host this episode. The dolls were great, and Gilmore touching the doll was the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

Christopher Says....

I can't believe you didn't tear Pirates a new one. That movie was awful. I was so looking forward to a full half hour, at least, of unadulterated hate towards that film.

Well, I hope all turns out well once the new site is up. How about this for a suggestion. A kind of home grown rottentomatoes, but with the community as the reviewers. There would be a place in our profile where we can place a review. The review would be either hosted on the site or just a link to ones website, blog or forum post where we wrote the review. The home page would then have an overall rating based on how many people added a good or bad review.

I also don't mind that digg-ish submit stories feature, as long as its not the main part of the site, the way it is in digg. It should have much smaller screen real-estate on the front page and just be the general News section.

Another suggestion: A multiplayer invite section. A place where one could add scheduled multiplayer online games whether it be on xbox live or PC Internet games, so that other people could RSVP.

Also, when the hell are we getting these t-shirts?

Tiny Grasshopper
(that one guy from Trinidad who noone could understand from that episode in NY)

Kramer Says....

That's a pretty good idea. "X% of Scapists that saw this movie liked it."

Anonymous Says....

I'd like to be able to assign a 1-5 star rating to just about anything from a user defined list of topics, and then we could search for people with similar interests and have a compatibility rating with every other registered user like Netflix has.

That way we'd also all be able to see that Vijay liked "Benchwarmers" and we'd know to avoid him.

Anonymous Says....

Nice shoutout to North Shore.

"When the wave is here, don't be here."

malekk77 Says....

I still can't get Itunes to download any of the podcasts. They say that the file is corrupted or the file type is wrong. Anyone else getting this?