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Friday, June 1, 2007

Episode 24 on!

Posted on 4:48 PM by JonathanLondon

Have fun, kiddies!

5 Response to "Episode 24 on!"

Anonymous Says....

Jon, thanks for putting up all of the episodes on itunes. I've finally seen all of the episodes now. Oh, and you should totally have puppets made of those characters you had on the audio only episodes of geekscape.

Ralph- Says....

i would love to see the puppets debate why Jonathan thought that Casino Royale was boring, yet still enjoyed the tediously horrendous Prirates 3.

Bring it London!

MMD Says....

Man I have to say I didn't like the old site because it had something against me. I tried to sign up numerous times and got through all the steps only to try and sign into the forums and get nothing.