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Saturday, June 2, 2007

New Suburban Legends video with Hank and Cheese!

Posted on 2:34 PM by JonathanLondon

The Suburban Legends asked Vijay and I to make a music video for them. They didn't have a lot of money but this still goes to show that you can make a fun video for just $65 as long as your actors are free. And my actors were definitely free. And they are my two favorite actors in the world! I just saw these guys again Thursday night and love their music. And you might remember them as the band that made the old Geekdrome theme song. We've got a new theme song coming soon from Steve in Punchline!

8 Response to "New Suburban Legends video with Hank and Cheese!"

Tristan c Says....

Great video plus an awesome song by the band ... you should find a way to put hank and chesse in everything you do

Anonymous Says....

first time listening to the band and will be looking around for them...I'd like to hear some more from them...

as for hank and cheese...they are on my top 5 list now!

Anonymous Says....

I hope you at least payed those two with Beggin'® Strips.

Anonymous Says....

Love the song and the video is awesome! Gamecube Remote.. Niceee

Anonymous Says....

its not a game cube remote its a nintendo 64 remote.. and that dude is rocking a geekdrome shirt.. wow that guy is so cool.. wait thats me. ha

Unknown Says....

These are the guys that did the Geekdrome theme?! I hated that damn song! Who'd have guessed they were capable of making music like this?

Hank and Cheese on the other hand, well, I recognized that talent from the very beginning.